Estate Tax Planning and Preparation
Helping you reduce unnecessary estate tax liability
The federal estate tax is an onerous and far-reaching assessment on your right to transfer property upon your death. Although the estate tax often changes annually, it affects high-income estates much more than others. Business people and entrepreneurs must be especially wary of the impact the estate tax could have on their ability to pass property to individuals and organizations that they care about. Our attorneys closely monitor the latest developments regarding the estate tax and understand the methods available for legally reducing your estate’s liability. We work closely with clients to help them take proactive steps necessary to avoid paying more than necessary.
Minimizing estate tax liability
Because the coverage of the estate tax is so expansive, no quick fix is available for minimizing liability; it requires planning and foresight. Measured inter vivos — or during life — gifts to family members, testamentary charitable donations and the use of properly structured irrevocable trusts can all be means of reducing estate tax liability. Our estate planning lawyers help you understand the actions you can take to reduce your exposure to the estate tax.
Coolidge Wall can help you avoid paying too much estate tax