Providing Counsel Regarding Probate Issues and Trust Administration
We help simplify probate through efficient estate administration
Probate is designed to be a simple process and is not the quagmire that many people believe it to be. That being said, however, probate can delay the availability of assets to your loved ones and can cause your estate to incur significant expense if not properly handled. Our attorneys help people keep probate simple through sound estate planning and efficient administration. If you are an executor charged with administering a loved one’s estate, our lawyers can help you avoid common pitfalls and navigate the process efficiently.
Probate is the court-supervised process of transferring a deceased person’s property in accordance with his or her will or state laws of intestate succession. In addition, probate is the forum in which interested parties may challenge the validity of a will or the meaning of will provisions. Probate law strives to make this process proceed as smoothly as possible. Nevertheless, costly mistakes are quite easy to make without the assistance of an experienced attorney.
Our firm regularly represents clients in all aspects of estate settlement and probate law:
- Ancillary administration
- Preparation of estate and gift tax returns and conducting estate and gift tax audits
- trust administration and preparation of fiduciary income tax returns
- Use of post-mortem planning techniques
- Other probate-related proceedings including will contests, trust construction, guardianships and adoptions
Counsel for both estate planning and probate