The Latest on OSHA: Sixth Circuit Lifts Stay of OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard

In COVID-19 Information Hub, Employment Law, Labor by Benjamin A. Mazer

As we have described previously in recent months, several precarious federal mandates have been issued by the administration of President Biden as the country works its way toward recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.  On November 5, 2021, OSHA issued an Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS), requiring that all employers with 100 or more employees either mandate COVID-19 vaccination for all employees or allow employees to elect weekly COVID-19 testing.  In the most recent court challenge, this mandate, originally stayed by the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, has been reinstated by the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals.  Inevitably, the next stop will …

The State of Stays: Federal Vaccine Mandates Suspended for Now

In COVID-19 Information Hub, Employment Law, Labor by Coolidge Wall

As we have described previously in recent months, several precarious federal mandates have been issued by the administration of President Biden as the country works its way toward recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.  These federal mandates have imposed significant burdens on private industry by sapping much-needed corporate resources, creating a sense of overreach and invasiveness, and alienating vaccine-resistant employees at the exact moment many employers are trying desperately to rev back up and to revitalize the economy. The mandates have been implemented primarily by three executive-branch sources affecting three huge sectors of the economy: Executive Order 14042 affecting federal contractors, …