Shannon Costello selected into 2024 inaugural class of Dayton Business Journal’s “Women Who Mean Business”

In News, Real Estate by Coolidge Wall

Shannon Costello, a shareholder and chair of the firm’s Real Estate Department, has been selected into the 2024 inaugural class of the Dayton Business Journal’s “Women Who Mean Business.” In their announcement, the DBJ said this award is “dedicated to honoring the remarkable achievements and contributions of women in the world of business.” Shannon and other recipients will be honored at an event in August. Learn more about the award here. For details about the August event, click here.    

Coolidge Wall attorney Jordan Staley Outlines the Impact and Appeal Process of Rising Residential and Commercial Real Estate Property Taxes in Montgomery County, Ohio, in BAR BRIEFS.

In News, Real Estate by Jordan Staley

Jordan Staley, an associate in the firm’s Real Estate and Corporate/Business Departments, wrote an article in the most current issue of the Dayton Bar Association’s BAR BRIEFS.  He writes about the recent rise in residential and commercial property taxes in Montgomery County, Ohio, understanding the impact, and outlines the process to appeal.  Read more below.      

Coolidge Wall Receives 2024 Best Law Firms First-tier Ranking

In Business Law, Employment Law, Labor, Litigation, News, Real Estate, Tax by Coolidge Wall

Dayton, Ohio – Coolidge Wall Co., L.P.A. has received first-tier metropolitan ranking in 10 practice areas by U.S. News & World Report and Best Lawyers in the 2024 “Best Law Firms” list. Achieving a top tiered ranking signals a unique combination of quality law practice and breadth of legal expertise among ranked law firms. The 10 areas for which the firm received Tier 1 ranking are Commercial Litigation, Corporate Law, Employment Law-Management, Labor Law-Management, Litigation-Labor & Employment, Litigation-Real Estate, Real Estate Law, Tax Law, Trusts & Estates Law, and Workers’ Compensation Law-Employers. To be eligible for a ranking, a firm …

New Associate Jordan Staley Joins Coolidge Wall

In Business Law, General, News, Real Estate by Coolidge Wall

Dayton, Ohio – Coolidge Wall Co., L.P.A. is pleased to announce that Jordan Staley has joined the firm as an associate in its Real Estate and Corporate/Business Departments. Specializing in commercial real estate, Staley brings comprehensive legal counsel to both corporations and individuals. His experience encompasses the spectrum of commercial real estate transactions, from acquisitions and sales to project development and financing. Within the firm’s Corporate Department, Jordan services includes corporate formations, mergers and acquisitions, regulatory compliance, and collections. Before joining Coolidge, Jordan worked for a Dayton-based law firm, concentrating in real estate, municipal law, and business litigation. While finishing …

The Importance of Due Diligence in Real Estate Transactions

In Real Estate by Coolidge Wall

One of the most important procedures that takes place prior to the closing in any real estate transaction is the due diligence process. The due diligence process typically takes place once the purchase agreement is signed by the parties, but the due diligence process may also begin prior to the execution of the purchase agreement depending on the transaction. While there are many different types of due diligence that can occur, this post will cover three specific areas: (i) title review; (ii) environmental review; and (iii) physical inspections. Title Review: As is vital in all real estate transactions, a thorough …

Waiver of Subrogation – How it Helps Mitigate Risk in Commercial Leases

In Real Estate by Coolidge Wall

Oftentimes, a commercial lease (as well as other real estate contracts) will contain a “Waiver of Subrogation,” but few landlords, tenants and other parties realize the importance of such provision and how a waiver of subrogation can help manage and allocate potential risk. Subrogation is “[t]he principle under which an insurer that has paid a loss under an insurance policy is entitled to all the rights and remedies belonging to the insured against a third party with respect to any loss covered by the policy.”[1] In other words, if one party suffers a loss, and such loss is covered by …

Is “Standing” Required Before Boards of Zoning Appeals?

In General, Real Estate, Tax by Coolidge Wall

The Board of Zoning Appeals (“BZA”) of a political subdivision in Ohio is an administrative body which conducts “quasi-judicial” proceedings. BZA decisions can be appealed under Ohio Revised Code §2506.01. State ex rel. Travelcenters of Am., Inc. v. Westfield Township Zoning Comm (1999) 87 Ohio St.3d 161. The BZA must establish a record of proceedings which, upon review by a court of common pleas, is not determined to be “unconstitutional, illegal, arbitrary, capricious, unreasonable, or unsupported by the preponderance of substantial, reliable, and probative evidence on the whole record.” R.C. §2506.04. Therefore, a BZA should not consider evidence which is …

An Overview of the Process of Appealing a Decision of the Board of Revision

In Real Estate, Tax by Coolidge Wall

The Board of Revision is traditionally the starting point for appealing the County’s valuation of your real property. But is a Board of Revision determination final, or is further review available? Further review is available; determinations of the Board of Revision may be appealed to either the Board of Tax Appeals or the Court of Common Pleas. Below are some fast facts regarding the appeals process. Timing. Regardless of whether the appeal is taken to the Board of Tax Appeals or to the Court of Common Pleas, the deadline to appeal is the same: thirty (30) days from the date …

The ABCs of BZAs

In General, Real Estate by Coolidge Wall

Many communities in Ohio have Boards of Zoning Appeals (“BZAs”) to address issues such as variances, special permits and conditional uses. In Ohio, variances can take one of two forms as either an area variance or a use variance. An area variance is often a variance from size requirements such as minimum lot dimensions or minimum setback requirements. Use variances allow for a use which is not generally allowed within that particular zoning district. Use variances are disallowed by many local zoning codes. Under Ohio law, area variances serve as “escape valves”‘ to allow for flexibility from the strict application …

Limiting Real Estate Liability With an LLC or Corporation

In Business Law, Real Estate by Coolidge Wall

As a real estate and corporate attorney, I often work with clients who own investment or rental property. A common question often arises: Should a client hold title to real estate in the client’s individual name, or would the client be better served by holding the property in a limited liability company (i.e., an LLC) or a corporation. Of course, the answer depends on the specific circumstances of the client’s situation, but there are often advantages to holding property in an entity owned by the client. The primary advantage of holding property in an LLC or corporation is limitation of …